Remote Team Building: Guess the Desk!
As remote teams, it can sometimes feel like we’re all working in isolation - each of us tucked away in our own little corner of the world. While technology helps keep us connected, there's something special about finding fun, creative ways to bond beyond meetings and deadlines. One of my favorite activities that really brings our team together is called "Guess the Desk!"
It’s a simple yet incredibly fun game that sparks conversation, laughter, and even some surprise “ahhh” moments. Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Submit Your Desk Photo
First, everyone on the team submits a photo of their workspace or desk area. Now, here's the key part: the photos must not include anything that could personally identify the person. No names, no company-branded items, and definitely no personal photos that would give away who owns the desk. This makes it a bit of a mystery, and the fun part is seeing how well (or not) people know each other’s setups.
Step 2: Create the PowerPoint
Once all the photos are submitted, the fun begins! Typically, someone like a supervisor or team lead, will gather all the pictures and create a PowerPoint presentation. Each desk photo gets its own slide—one slide per person.
Step 3: Guess Who’s Desk It Is
The real fun starts when you get together for the activity (this works great in a Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting!). One by one, the slides are shared, and everyone gets to guess whose desk it is. Most platforms, like Zoom and Teams, offer a polling feature, so the guesses can be submitted anonymously.
As each slide is revealed, people vote on who they think the desk belongs to. Are you a minimalist? A coffee lover? Or do you have a mountain of papers and post-its like me? Everyone will get to see who picked which desk, and it's always interesting to see how accurate - or silly - the guesses are!
Step 4: The Big Reveal and the Laughter That Follows
After the poll closes, the host will reveal the correct answer. You’d be amazed how often people are completely wrong about whose desk they’re looking at. Maybe someone with a neat and tidy desk is guessed as being the total opposite, or a desk full of chaos is assumed to belong to the most organized person on the team.
This is the moment when the "ahhh" moments happen. People start sharing the stories behind their desk setups - why they’ve chosen certain decor, the reasoning behind their organizational systems (or lack thereof), and maybe even how they’ve made their space more comfortable or productive.
Why This Activity Is a Winner
There are several reasons why "Guess the Desk" has been a huge hit with our remote team. First and foremost, it’s a great way to bond and get to know each other on a personal level. Even if we’re all working from different locations, this activity helps bring some fun and shared moments into the mix.
Second, it’s a brilliant way to gather ideas for improving your own workspace. Maybe you see someone with an amazing desk setup that you want to try out, or you get inspired to organize your own space in a new way. It’s like a virtual office tour without any of the awkward “this is where I keep my stapler” moments.
Finally, it adds a bit of light-hearted fun to our workday. Let’s face it - remote work can get a little monotonous, and activities like this break up the routine while strengthening the team dynamic.